It is generally recommended that you drink 2 litres per day.
When you wake start the day as you mean to go on, with a glass of water.
Keep water with you have a jug, glass or sports bottle of fresh water with you to keep yourself hydrated throughout your day.
Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as having other health benefits they also have a high water content that will top up your daily intake.
Water is the main ingredient of all drinks so they actually contribute to your recommended daily fluid intake but drinking plain tap water is still the most effective and cheapest way of replacing lost fluids from your body.
Try and replace some of your traditional drinks with a glass of chilled water you could start of by replacing one of your drinks once a day and then build on this until your are drinking your 6-8 glasses each day.
The beauty of drinking water is that we can drink it warm when we’re cold and cold when we’re hot so no matter what the weather is you can adjust your water accordingly.
Chill your water keep a jug or sports water bottle of tap water in the fridge.
Not only will the cool water refresh you but chilling your water can help reduce and smell or taste of chlorine from your water.
It helps to stagger your water intake throughout the day rather than going for hours without anything, then downing half a litre if you do this your kidneys will struggle and you'll find yourself dashing to the loo.
Help people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation.